Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Packing the Perfect Hospital Bag

****I have a couple of friends that are about to have their baby, and they have been asking about an updated list, so I added to my original post to reflect what I actually used at the hospital.*****

I am always prepared.  I wouldn't say that I am an "overpacker" but I firmly believe that thinking ahead and having items you may need with you make for a more enjoyable experience anywhere you go.  So packing the perfect hospital bag has become somewhat of a long process.  I read a few articles, took advice from some friends and even picked up a few good pointers during my hospital tour last month.  Here is what I will be packing (in Baby Cox's completely necessary new Vera Bradley "Sitting in a Tree" pattern duffel bag)

For Baby:
  • cute hat
  • mittens
  • a blanket for swaddling - hospital had these, a velcro swaddle may be useful
  • going home outfit
  • a few diapers just in case the hospital ones aren't great - they were pampers
  • car seat and car seat manual in case we need to adjust the shoulder straps

For Me:
  • my own hospital gown to wear post birth
  • a nursing gown and robe set
  • warm socks and slippers
  • going home outfit - loose fitting dress and cardigan - I wore the same thing home that I wore there because I was swollen and HUGE from all the IV fluid
  • toiletries
  • some light makeup - came in handy for pictures and to make myself feel better
  • hair ties
  • chapstick
  • full coverage cotton panties - wore the hospital ones they whole time, they were better and the cotton ones I brought were too small since I anticipated losing weight right after the birth
  • tucks pads
  • nursing cami
  • breast pump - I heard the lactation consultant can help you get familiar with it
  • information from my breast feeding class on helpful positions, etc 
  • hard candy - to suck on during labor - I didn't end up using this at all
  • snacks - luna bars, trail mix - The Husband mostly ate these, as you can't eat during labor and then I was on a liquid diet

For The Husband:
  • athletic shorts and T for sleeping
  • change of clothes
  • He also ended up needed PJ pants, as it was cold in the room, extra socks, and a razor

  • birth plan (mine consists of only a few bullet points)
  • cameras and chargers
  • boppy pillow for nursing
  • 2 pillows with cute pillow cases
  • cards from the baby book with hand and footprint spots
  • paperwork folder - contact numbers, insurance info, etc
  • snacks
  • change for the vending machine
  • birthing ball and pump
  • tennis ball for massage - didn't need this, as I DID NOT WANT ANYONE TO TOUCH ME during labor
Other things that I had my parents bring up or that I wish I had:
  • I was there 4 nights, so I ended up needing more than some others might.  I wish I had brought another change of clothes for both of us
  • Velcro swaddle blankets might have come in handy, as H was an escape artist and could get out of the regular blanket swaddle in like 2 seconds flat
  • Bring an extra duffle bag to keep in the car, as I left with way more stuff than I arrived with and had to pack it in trash bags to go home
  • Due to my difficult delivery, I was exhausted and did not use any of the "entertainment" stuff I had brought like music or magazines.  Trust me, you won't have any free time!
Here are some things my hospital provides or that I don't personally need but you may want to consider:
  • clothes for baby - my hospital requires baby to stay in their clothing
  • music, movies or magazines for distraction
  • something that smells nice - but no open flames!
  • your preferred pacifier
Hope that helps!


Unknown said...

Music? Movies? Carseat, pacifier (neither of mine ever liked the hospital one). Other than that you sound like your ready! Good luck.

Elizabeth Lauren said...

This is really random, but when it comes to the footprints in the baby book...I would suggest bringing card stock for the prints to actually go on, and then attach that into the baby book .(sometimes it is hard for the nurses to get a good print, and the baby book pages tend to be slippery and smudge easily. :)

Teresa said...

You mention a going home outfit for baby but I am not sure if you also are bringing any other outfits? I too wanted the pictures to be a cute as possible and so I always changed my kiddos into one of my outfits soon after they were born rather than having them in the hideous hospital getup :) Good luck!

Angie said...

Um, my friend, you are WAY more prepared than I ever was. My husband does not have a wife who is thoughtful enough to pack for him!
PS--NAMC uses Pampers Swaddlers...take all the diapers you can get your hands on there! :)

Anonymous said...

Reed was freezing during labor (had shorts and a tshirt on) and I was BURNING up!!! Have the husband pack socks and warm clothes in case your room is at 58 degrees and you are still hot. That would be reeds advice. Other than that you are set! Good luck and can't wait to see pics of your sweet little girl!

Lindsay N. Strickland said...

Love this post. Thanks for sharing...I'm 11 weeks away from the big dute date :)