Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Week 22 Recap

I am so grateful that I have been having such an issue-free pregnancy so far!  I am still trying to eat healthfully (with some cheats on weekends!) and I can't get enough fresh fruit.  I am going through a carton of strawberries like every 3 days.

Nothing new to report this week, but I did have quite an eventful Friday night when Mom was visiting.  When we got home from shopping at like 10 on Friday night, I noticed a few ants in my bathroom.  We have had a few problems with them before, mostly because it is soooo dry here and they are looking for water.  I found where they were getting in, sprayed, and didn't think another thing of it.

At 4:30 in the AM I woke up and felt like there was something on me, but I thought I was just being paranoid from seeing the ants earlier.  I really hate them, they are so sneaky and whenever I see them I feel like they are crawling on my skin even if they are far away!  I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't, so I thought I would turn the lights and check and make sure there was nothing crawling on me.  I turned on the lamp and threw back the covers and THERE WERE ANTS ALL OVER IN MY BED!

I screamed, woke up Mom, and we threw all the pillows and comforter in the backyard and the sheets in the washer.  Luckily they were not fire ants, so they didn't bite, but they still scared me to death.  And I spent the next 2 nights sleeping in the guest room with Mom!

Quite an adventure!

1 comment:

SnowflakeBrit said...

Oh no! I've had that with flies, it's not nice AT ALL.
Hope you've got rid of them all now though?