Don't you just love Target? I could spend hours there - between the guest designers, costume jewelry, work out wear and make-up sections it is seriously a time suck. While searching for patio furniture the other day I happened to walk by the baby sections and noticed all the cute
DwellStudio items they had. Target has always had stylish stuff, but I especially love their designer-at-a-discount items. Here are a few exclusive finds from that I think you will love:
Sumersault Geo Brights Mobile - $34.99
Spark by Skip Hop Diaper Bag - $29.99 - that's half the price of regular Skip Hop bags!
Bananafish Nantucket Crib Set - $149.99 - you can't see it that well but those are little alligators! So preppy and cute!
DwellStudio for Target Dot Fun Shower Curtain - $24.99 - perfect for a boy & girl sharing a bathroom
DwellStudio for Target Medallion 3 Piece Crib Set - $74.99 - I've heard mixed reviews about the quality of the Dwell for Target sets but for that price the design can't be beat. The crib featured is from their furniture line. It also gets mixed reviews but they are mostly good and it is a great price for modern furniture.On a personal note, I am going to see the Chelsea Handler "Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang Tour" tonight and I can not wait! The Husband and I just love her and I think it will be so fun. We are also attending a wedding this weekend and I helped the bride put together her hotel gift baskets and favors and everything was AMAZING. Hopefully I will have some stylish and inspiring pictures to share on Monday!
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