Friday, June 18, 2010

Busy Weekend Ahead

Hi friends! This week has been super busy for me with work and painting. I shipped 3 orders this week for a total of 6 paintings. I have a few more orders to work on this weekend that I am really excited about. I also hope to make progress on my own personal painting for our bedroom. I know some of you have been waiting to see it and I have been wanting to work on it some more.

You probably haven't noticed, but I have been moving some things around on the blog in preparation for a blog makeover! I am super excited about it and it should be ready in about a month. I am going for a cleaner, more modern design that is easier to navigate. In the meantime, there are new choices under "My Pages" including a new payment page. I am also re-tagging some of my posts to make things easier to find.

Lastly, I leave you with my latest design, a wedding monogram I completed this week. I enjoy working on "grown up" paintings every once in awhile and I have been getting more and more requests for family signs.

What a great gift idea, thanks for the pic Jessy!

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