
Monday, December 22, 2014

Snack Time

from left to right: Trader Joes cereal bars, Trader Joe's dried snap peas, Costco peaches packed in water, Costco Fig Bars, GoGo Sqeeze pouches, dried fruit in individual bags

This is a peek at my snack stash in the laundry room.  Over the weekend I made my first ever trip to Costco, where my Mom recently got a membership.  I stocked up on snacks (and ate my way through the samples).  We are big snackers at our house, but I try to keep them pretty healthy.  The pantry has a few bins full of snacks that H can choose from, and the fridge is always stocked with fresh fruit, cheese and yogurt.  Here is a list of the snack options at our house:

roasted red pepper hummus with carrots or pretzels
string cheese
mini Baby Bel cheese
Chobani yogurt
strawberries, grapes or blackberries

GoGo sqeeze applesauce pouches
Earth's Best or Gerber fruit and veggie mixed baby food pouches
unsweetened applesauce
peaches in water
baked Goldfish
Trader Joe's cereal bars
Cliff Kidz bar
dried fruit
whole wheat fig bags
dried snap peas
dried cranberries

We are on the go a lot, so I like to keep snack options in my purse, or make a little snack pack when we are on road trips.  I will keep a cereal bar, pouch or "trail mix" that I make with gold fish, raisins, cranberries and cereal.  For longer trips I use my 3 compartment Ziploc container to keep a PB&J sandwich, grapes and goldfish handy.  For me, I will throw in a Kind bar or Cliff Kidz bar.  Hey, Mama gets hungry, too!

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