I've been thinking a lot about working mom stuff lately. I've had a few friends without kids (yet) ask me about how hard it is. And I had a friend go back to work after staying home since before her daughter was born, and she says it hasn't been easy.
I don't claim to have a magic formula or anything, but I think I do a pretty good job of balancing work + family without being too stressed and I realized there are a couple of things that really make a big difference for me.
1. Preparation + think ahead
Coming home from work and making dinner from start to finish can seem like a huge task - IF you don't prepare ahead of time. On Sundays I roughly plan meals, grocery shop and do some meal and snack prepping that makes the week days easier. Its also the day I do laundry - 3 or 4 loads is all I need to do on Sunday for the whole week. 1 for H, 1 for The Husband's dirty work clothes, 1 for me and 1 sheets/towels/other. I might be crazy but I get a special high from getting a ton of stuff done on Sundays and it makes me start the week off right.
2. Don't try to do too much
Call me selfish, but I really only care about a few things. My family, work and a small handful of friends. I don't like to feel stressed so I don't over commit myself. No Junior League for me. I would love to have more time to volunteer/do girls nights/etc, but I also don't like feeling stressed so I have committed my time to just the things that matter. Its OK to say no and be selfish for your family.
3. Keep it in perspective
I wanted to call this #whitepeopleproblems but that sounds bad :). But really, The Husband and I tell ourselves this all the time. We lead incredible fortunate lives, part of that due to our families, but an equal part due to hard work. If the biggest decision I am facing at the moment is what flight/how am I going to get to NYC on an upcoming trip, then I'm doing pretty good. Be grateful for what you have.
I'm going to a presentation at the end of the month about mindful based stress reduction. Sounds new-agey, I know. But I am really interested to learn more about it, I assume I already do some of the techniques, I just don't know it. But I will be sure to share the details and what I learned!
Great post Kim. I felt myself saying yes to 1, 2 and 3. I am similar to you, meal plan and prep Sunday and that helps a ton. And I also don't over commit. You just can't survive as a working parent otherwise! I love your posts and am glad you are still writing them and keeping it public!