Average week this week, nothing exciting to report! Here are my random thoughts/confessions:
-I am getting laser hair removal on my bikini area and I LOVE it. Just finished my 5th treatment and I am so excited about the low maintenance!
-teaching a toddler about thong panties is hard. H totally didn't understand why my panties were up my bootie the other day
-also hard? The concept of lying not lion, and turning right on red and left turn yellow yield after you have taught your kid about traffic lights.
-I am going to a bachelorette party this weekend, and man I can not hang like I used to. It starts at 3 in the afternoon and I plan on cutting the bar hopping portion of the night short and being home in bed by 11. I know, I am lame, I own it.
-We went wine tasting the other weekend, and while it was fun, I just don't LOVE wine. Our winery owner friend told me my palate was garbage. I agree, I much prefer a vodka cocktail to wine.
-I am currently wearing a dress I bought for $4 in the little girl's department of Target a few years ago when I went in looking for nursing bras and anything that would hide my pooch. I've already gotten a few compliments on it :)
Linking up with a Blonde Ambition Blog
im glad my daughter thinks thong underwear is gross, she is almost 11 and I don't need her wanting those yet.