
Friday, May 16, 2014

Lunches Lately

What?  Like 6 whole posts in a row that did not involve what my kid was eating?  Bet you were worried that I wasn't feeding her.  Really from the looks of it I have been feeding her tons of pizza, her favorite and most requested food item.  We usually do a California Pizza Kitchen thin crust frozen pizza, out of all the frozen pizzas it is the least greasy and has the least amount of calories.

blueberries and blackberries + ritz bitz + cheese, crackers and lunch meat

leftover pizza + cheese + mixed berries + energy ball

energy ball + peas + berries + pork tenderloin quesadilla

quesadillas + watermelon + "trailmix" with raisins and popcorn

strawberries and oranges + peas + pizza + bunny cookies

 yogurt + strawberries + chicken taco + refried beans

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