
Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Sad Goodbye

Today is going to be a rough one.  Last weekend a friend of ours was tragically killed and left behind the sweetest wife and two young sons.  There are no words that can adequately express how terrible the situation is.  The Husband and I will dress in all black, and go through the rituals, but I still feel helpless.  My friend is now a widow.  I want to be there but I am not quite sure what the right thing to say or do is.

So I will just be there for her.  Months from now, when all the meals stop coming and the day to day reality sets in,  I want to be there for her.  When my life seems hectic, I want to stop and remember how lucky I am, and be there for those that are not as fortunate.

It makes me want to tell everyone to get their $*it together.  Make sure you have life insurance, a will, that your paperwork and accounts are organized.  You never want to think something could happen, but it could.  And you need to be prepared.

I wish I were a better writer, but I am not.  I don't do well at funerals, but really who does?

Instead I will choose to remember all the good times that were shared with our friend.  Summers on the lake.  Making sure his bald head was covered with a hat, feeding him sandwiches when his wife wasn't there to take care of him.  Staying out on the lake till 2 am, when it is dark and silent.  Dancing on the end of the boat without a care in the world.  Watching fireworks from the dock on July 4th.  Him running around in the backyard with his oldest boy, looking like a scene out of The Jungle Book.


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