
Monday, January 27, 2014

Thirty Three and Happy

Friday was my 33rd birthday.  I'm kinda weird about my birthday.  Some people make theirs a birthday week, filled with dinners, friends and presents.  I usually wish mine would disappear.  Not because I don't want to age, more because I don't like the attention.  I even tried to hide my birthday from Facebook so nobody could comment to me.  The Husband thinks I'm strange.

One of the things I do enjoy about my birthday, however, is that we get the day off work.  So I can spend the day doing something for myself and not really feel guilty because H is at school during the week anyway.  Except that we had an ice day, she was home, and I had a client that needed me to get a project done.  So I didn't get to go to the spa as I had planned.  Not to worry though, I rescheduled
  and will be going this week!

My parents came up for my birthday and all I wanted as a present from them was for my Dad to help me do some stuff around the house.  We built shelves in H's closet, hung a ton of pictures and hooks, and hung some new curtains.  I plan on doing a post about all my little house DIY decor soon.

But back to my birthday and getting older.  I feel really good about it.  I am at a great place in my life.  I have a wonderful husband and sweet little girl.  I enjoy my job (even though the commute BLOWS) and I feel really balanced with work and family life.  I have been eating healthy, and I wish I could work out more but hey, I look decent when dressed so that is fine with me :)

My friend and I were discussing aging at lunch the other day, and we both agreed that we felt like we were 27, not mid thirties.  I still get carded, and don't really look my age (especially with no make up) so its hard to believe I am 33.  I still look around my house sometimes and can't believe that I am a grown up that owns a house, TVs, car, etc.

Anyway, 33 is lookin' good, and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us!

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