
Friday, January 10, 2014

Things to Try in 2014

You like how I didn't call them resolutions?

Be Present
I think I am pretty good about this when I am at home, I try to focus my attention on H and put down distracting things.  But I do need to listen better when The Husband is talking to me.  Sometimes I have so much going on that I don't really hear what he is trying to tell me.

Be Active
This one is really hard for me, I have limited time and really don't enjoy exercise.  So when the weather gets nicer I want to do more walks with the Bob and H.  And make it to my Pilates class every Wednesday.

Be Organized & Clean
Another one I am pretty good at already, I just want to continue it.  A clean and organized home reduced my stress level and makes me feel more relaxed.

Take Time For Friends & Myself
This one is hard for me in the Fall, with football and hunting we are often gone or focused on activities that The Husband enjoys.  I already have a few Spring things planned just for me and I am really looking forward to them and hoping I don't feel guilty for leaving H.

Be Charitable
We are good about this during the holidays, but it is something I want to focus more on throughout the year.

Drink Water!
I makes your body run and makes your skin look great.  I have been doing it more ever since I was pregnant, but need to keep it up!

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