
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Break - 26 Months

I had about a week and a half off work during the Christmas holiday.  While I am grateful to be back at home, we had a great time going to 3 different houses for Christmas and taking a trip to the ranch.  I feel like in just the short time we had off to spend with H, she learned and grew so much.

Here are a few shots of what we have been up to:
building a fire with Dad at the ranch.  She loved gathering sticks and helping her Daddy.

By Nena and Rocky's Christmas tree with her new baby and scooter.  Wearing her same Christmas dress from last year, size 12 months.  She is a little peanut.

Helping Mimi open her presents and Mimi and Poppy's house
I plan on making a bunch of posts into a baby book for her someday soon, as my blog has been the place where I have documented the most of her life.  So for that purpose, here is what she has been up to:
-Really interested in letters.  She knows what letter all of our names start with, and will pick out letters on signs as we drive around.  We frequently pass HEB and she yells out "H for Hadley, B for Daddy."  Which is correct, she knows his first name starts with a B.
-Can answer questions like "what letter does DOG start with?"
-Can count to 15, sometimes 20 correctly
-Is making more observations and conclusions about things, like "that cat mean to Cinderella" in her new favorite movie.
-Is totally potty trains and has 0 accidents, even at nap time and in the car
-Is increasingly independent, putting on her own shoes and wanting to get in and out of her car seat herself
-Is so fun to have a conversation with, she really can answer questions and talk like a little adult
-Loves to call people and will recite what she has done, eaten that day, etc
-Loves her new scooter and easel she got for Christmas
-Has a feisty side, the other day she told me "I'm running away" and "Daddy is my best friend, not you" when she got in trouble
H, we love you so much!  You are so funny and fun to be around.  I can't wait to see how you grow and develop in 2014!

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