
Thursday, October 3, 2013

How is it already October?

My baby girl is going to be two years old in just 2 weeks.  How is that possible?  I've been neglecting this little blog of mine for awhile.  It started as a way to sell my art, then a place to share decorating ideas for H's room.  After I stopped officially painting and her room was complete, I was less interested in decor.  So I mostly blog about my life and experiences I feel are helpful to share with other Moms.  So for those of you that have stuck around (I think there are like 3 of you!), thanks.
So onto life updates.  As some of you know, H changed schools a few months ago.  We are LOVING the new school and she is learning so much.  A few weeks after she started she was moved into the 2 year old room at 22 months.  Although she is one of the youngest, she is doing so well and we are really amazed at how much she is capable of learning.  She can easily count to 10, knows a bunch of shapes and animals, is working on her colors, and can say all of her ABCs.  And more on this later, but she decided to potty train herself at school this week, so we are going to go full speed ahead and change her over to big girl undies this weekend.
And, for some life updates in pictures:
The Husband and I took a trip to Arkansas for the A&M v AR game last weekend.  We had a great time and really enjoyed Fayetteville.

H insisted that I paint her toenails.  I got some quick dry polish and she LOVES them.  Planning on changing the color this weekend.

A few weeks ago, Daddy to H to a football game all by herself.  She refused to smile, she was too interested in her surroundings.  She did great and sat through almost the entire first half of the game.

While visiting my parents, we picked up this doll high chair at resale shop.  Can you tell how excited she was about it??

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I do have plans to share more decor ideas, including some plans to re-do our living room and showcase some of the art I have made for around our house.  And pretty soon H will need a big girl room, so I am sure that will warrant more decor posts!!

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