
Monday, August 12, 2013

Late Summer Lately

A couple of lunches from last week.  Packing hasn't been too bad, and all my little cups make it more fun and easier to give her a variety of food.  It seems like I am packing a TON for her, but they say she eats it all.  She tends to eat more for lunch at school than she does at home, maybe b/c she knows we snack more at home??
heart shaped PBJ + craisins + baby bell cheese + grapes and blueberries + bunny grahams
1/2 banana + raisins + tortellini + turkey meatballs + spinach nugget
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And because its never too early to start brainwashing them, a scene from our girls + toddlers weekend in College Station:

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