
Monday, May 20, 2013

Blue Dogs for Baby H

The Husband's good friend (and mine) and his wife are having a baby next month.  I wanted to do some paintings for them as a gift, but they were not specific about what they wanted.
I knew they loved their two fur babies, both blue heelers, dearly, so I thought that would be something fun to incorporate into the nursery.  Their bedding is blue and orange, and they are trying to stay gender neutral, even though it is a baby girl.
I sent them some ideas, and they sent some feedback, but generally left it pretty open and up to me.  So after looking at a few pictures for inspiration, this is what I came up with:

I painted each one to resemble their dogs, and tried to copy the coloring and markings as best I could.  The sides have polka dots to match the bedding, and to make them a little more babyish
You can also see my messy work space in the background - the kitchen table covered in a sheet!
I am really happy with how these turned out, they were a little out of my comfort zone but it was really fun to do.  And our friends wrote me the sweetest thank you note, so I know they love them too.  Now I just need to work on visiting them so I can see them and meet the baby when she arrives!