
Sunday, April 15, 2012

6 Months

this picture looks like one of those pictures you get when you ask your kid to smile and they give you a fake smile
Not sure, we go to the Dr this week, but she sure feels heavy!
Still all night, from about 8 to 6:00 in the morning when we have to wake you up for school.
Sometimes she takes 4 naps a day, sometimes 2.  Just depends on her mood.  She is never fussy if she doesn't nap enough, so we just let her nap once we start noticing her sleep cues.  She usually grabs for a burp cloth and starts covering her face with it when she is getting sleepy, so its hard not to notice!

A few weeks ago we started her on cereal, which she LOVED.  I can't get it in her mouth fast enough, and she already wants to feed herself.  I have to give her a spoon of her own that she can play with, while I go in with my real spoon full of cereal.

We also tried sweet potatoes for the first time this weekend, and although she was skeptical at first, she wanted more after a few bites.  Something tells me she is going to be a good eater!

Sitting up, being tossed in the air, playing peek-a-boo, cereal, her teachers and her Daddy.  She is such a happy baby, she pretty much likes everything.

When I run out of cereal!

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How is Mommy doing?
5 to 6 months was definitely a turning point for me.  This past weekend The Husband was out of town, and I took H to a first birthday party all alone, and I felt like I could totally handle it on my own.  She did great, and I wasn't worried about her crying on the way there, when she was going to eat, if she was going to be good, nothing.  Then after a nap, we went shopping together at the mall for an hour and a half and she just hung out and talked to me in her stroller.  It was great.  We had such a good time as girls together.

I have been trying to eat really healthy, and have been packing healthy lunches for the week every Sunday.  I haven't had much time to work out, but I do try to walk when I can, and go to Pilates on Wednesdays.  I am about 2 lbs away from what I was pre-pregnancy, and all my pants fit.  My pencil skirts are another story.  Lets just say there are 6 in the guest closet, and an entire new set 1 size bigger in my closet.

I feel so lucky to have such a sweet little baby girl.  But don't ask me when I am going to have another!  What is up with people asking me that already?!?

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