
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pretty Polka Dots

Polka dots are everywhere in clothing right now, and as in most trends, they are slowly working there way into home design.  Done with fun bright colors, they would be perfect in a little girl's nursery or big girl room.  Such a simple way to make a big statement.

pops of pink and white on the walls

smaller, not so perfect polka dots

another more subtle wall treatment

done with decals instead of paint - a less permanent option

walls too much?  try a fun polka dot panel

there are tons of polka dot sheet and bedding options out there, this one comes in tons of different colors

What do you think?  Would you do polka dots in the nursery?  Do you think they are only for girls?


  1. We're doing grey with white polka dots in the nursery on the textiles only.
    Can't wait for the Easter hols so I can start work on the nursery!
