
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Date Night

terrible phone picture, too bad you can't see my cute chevron dress very well!

This past weekend The Husband and I went on a little stay-cation and had an overnight date night in downtown Austin.  We had lunch at a burger place The Husband has been wanting to try, and checked into a hotel Saturday afternoon.  We took naps, took our time getting ready, and had a great night out on the town with a few friends.  The evening ended with some street pizza (the best kind) and we were in bed a little after midnight.

We slept in, which for us means 8 am, and had breakfast at a famous local breakfast place that is always featured on the Food Network.  We returned home Sunday morning to a napping, happy baby.  Guess she didn't miss us too much, because she sure love her Mimi

I did miss the babe, but she was in good hands with my Mom, so I didn't worry about her.  And it was nice to spend some quality grown up time with The Husband.  And there is a certain sense of relaxation I can't acheieve at home when I think my nap or shower might be interupted by a certain little one needing me.  Overall it was a great weekend and I feel energized and ready for this week!


  1. My hubby and I went on our first "date" when our son was about 11 weeks old. We droped him off at the grandparents, grabbed some take out, went to bed early and slept in until 8 (gasp!). It was utterly amazing. I think it is so important just to have some alone time with your spouse even if you don't do anything outrageous. Plus it is a great bonding experience for grandparents and grandkids. It's win win for everyone!

  2. where is that chevron dress from?!?

  3. I got the chevron dress from our local Buffalo Exchange so I am not sure where it originated, sorry!

  4. I'm so glad you posted about this and went on a fun over-night date with your Hub! I looooove Austin and miss my Texas! :)
