
Thursday, March 1, 2012

4.5 Months

sporting a random camo outfit when I picked her up from school.  who knew they could go though all their back up clothes in one day??

I've been doing these updates on Mom & Baby monthly, but we have had lots of developments in the 2 weeks since her 4 month update, I thought I would share:

- Hadley can now roll over both directions.  She thinks it is so funny when she rolls, and she is super proud of herself.  Time to start actually strapping her into the Nap Nanny and the changing table pad.  She is starting to squirm!

- Rolling also means I need to keep an eye on her while she is sleeping.  I don't think she can roll with her arms swaddled at her sides, but you never know.  I bought a wearable blanket with no sleeves we are going to try out this weekend.  Since she naps in her crib at school with no swaddle, I think she will be fine.

- She is really laughing now and thinks almost everything her Daddy does is funny.  He must have the right look, because he can just smile really big at her and she laughs.  She only thinks I am funny about 1/3 of the time.  But she does enjoy pulling my hair.  Good thing I am really hard headed and it doesn't hurt.

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I think I have also reached a turning point in my quest to lose the baby weight.  I gave up baked good and candy/chocolate for Lent.  Even though I am not Catholic, I thought it would be a good opportunity to make myself do something that I wouldn't normally do.  After just 1 week I have lost 2 lbs - which means I only have 1.5 more to go.  I guess I was eating more sugary stuff than I thought.  I was in the habit of wanting a sweet bite after lunch and dinner.  And the 1/3 of a Starbucks pastry I would share with a co-worker a couple days a week probably wasn't helping either.  Hopefully 40 days is enough to break my habit, lose the last few pound, and mainting it from now on.

I heard from friends that the 4 month mark is where the rest of the baby weight would drop off, but for me it was right at 4.5 months.  If you are still nursing this can add to the struggle, as a good friend of mine just got back to her pre-baby weight after 10 months - right around the time she weaned her son.

And speaking of weaning, last week I read this article about depression related to weaning, and I thought it was interesting enough to pass on.  You hear a lot about post pardum depression, but not much about post weaning depression.

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