who says Dad can't take his little girl hunting? Even if it is for pink deer
Today is The Husband's birthday - he is turning the big 3-0. Its hard to believe we met just days after he turned 21 - that's almost 9 years together! When I think back, we were so young and I feel so fortunate to have found the perfect mate at such a young age. Even then I knew he would be a great husband, and an even better father.
We have some things planned for his birthday weekend, and I hope I can show him how much we love him and how lucky we are to have him in our lives!
Happy Birthday babe!
That pink hunting outfit is so cute! I didn't know you could even find that in baby clothes! lol I am turning 30 at the end of the month, and I met Cody when I was 21! That's funny! We'll be together 9 years August 16, 2012.