
Thursday, December 15, 2011

2 Month Loves

Baby H is 2 months old today!  We have to take her to the Dr for her 2 month shots, and I am not looking forward to it.  She rarely cries, and I know she will when she gets the shots.  Hopefully I can calm her down and she will return to her usual happy self!

In the last month she has moved into her own room and sleeps really well in her crib.  If you remember, I was debating on the sound vs video monitor, and we finally decided on the Summer Infant Slim & Secure Video Monitor.  A more extensive review coming soon, but so far I am SUPER happy with it and so glad we decided on the video monitor.

We still love our Huggies diapers, they are by far the best choice for girls.  I tried the Parent's Choice brand at WalMart, as I heard they were comparable, but they proved to be leaky for Baby H so we went back to the Huggies.  I have been ordering on - they are cheaper than Target and have free 2 day shipping for orders over $50.  This saves me a trip to the store and makes Daddy happy because he doesn't have to try to find the right kind when I send him to the store.

I also started transitioning from breast to bottle, and after trying the Medela, Avent and Dr Brown's bottles, we finally settled on these MAM bottles from Sassy.  Baby H was not latching onto the bottle well, and it was taking her 45 min to drink 2 ounces from the other bottles.  The MAM bottles have a different nipple that is more flat and supposed to be softer, and she LOVES them.  Its amazing how much better she drinks from them, no spilling down her face!

Once I finish transitioning her to formula, I will do another post about my successes and learnings with that.

Tomorrow I will post some 2 month pictures of Baby H - that is if she wants to cooperate after her shots!


  1. Love this monitor! It's the one we have too!

  2. Ahh, I love your blog! I'm 11 weeks preggers and I've been looking for a blog to follow that features real advice for Momma's and Baby's!!

    I read some of your past posts and had to stop reading and laugh for a moment. Tomorrow, my younger brother graduates from Texas A&M, and I grew up in College Station. Small world!!

    (I have a blog about design and our life in's private for a few more weeks until I let everyone at work know that I'm preggers!)
